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Make a commitment to your mental well-being and embark on a transformative journey with this 30-day mental wellness challenge.


In a world that often moves at breakneck speed, taking intentional steps toward mental health is the ultimate gift to yourself. This challenge isn’t about monumental shifts but rather the magic of small, positive habits that collectively shape a happier, more resilient you.



Why Do A 30-Day Mental Wellness Challenge?



Be honest, in the last 30 days, how many times did you really put your own mental wellness first? How often did you indulge in self-care and prioritise your own needs? Was it really every day? Once a week? Just here and there? Not at all? 


You’re not alone, we live in a fast-paced and demanding society and it can be hard to do, it can feel like there’s never enough time and there’s always someone who needs something. But how can you take care of others or give your all to a new project if you are drained, exhausted and run down? 


The answer is, you can’t. You know the saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup”, so pause, breathe and start prioritising your needs because trust me, every area of your life will thank you! 


The goal of this mental wellness challenge is simple: for 30 days take one small step towards a healthier and happier you. 


We will be incorporating self-care, physical health and mental health-related activities with the intent of improving your overall frame of mind by the time the 30 days is up. 


Here are some of the benefits you can expect as you embark on this journey: 

  • Increased self-confidence 
  • Enhanced self-awareness and understanding of your needs 
  • Developing healthy habits you can take forward in your life 
  • Improved coping strategies and stress management skills
  • Better physical and mental health 


Now let’s dive into the next 30 days with purpose and enthusiasm:



30-Day Mental Wellness Challenge



30 day mental wellness challenge pin



Day 1: Practice Breathing Exercises


Initiate your journey with the simplicity of mindful breathing. Feel the instant calm as you centre your thoughts on the rhythm of your breath.


There are many different breathing techniques so try different ones and see what works for you, check out this post by Healthline with 10 Simple and Effective Breathing Exercises to get you started. 


Once you master control over your breathing you will be amazed at how effective it can be at managing stress. 



Day 2: Choose Your Affirmations


Step into a positive mindset by selecting affirmations that resonate with you. Let these daily mantras guide your thoughts toward optimism. Repeat them to yourself whenever you need that little boost and feel their power within you. 


Stick them on your mirrors, and your doors, write them on your phone, carry them with you everywhere you go and really believe in them, you will be surprised how much they can improve your mindset. 


Some of my favourite daily affirmations are: 

  • I am in control of my thoughts, my feelings and my decisions
  • I am capable of anything I set my mind to 
  • I am worthy of love, success and happiness 
  • I am good enough 
  • I believe in myself and my abilities 
  • I cannot fail, I can only learn and I will keep going no matter what 
  • I have survived 100% of my hardest days and I will continue to survive whatever life has in store for me
  • I am kind, I am beautiful, I am strong, I am smart



Day 3: Get An Early Night


Prioritise your well-being with a good night’s sleep. Setting the stage for quality rest ensures improved mood and cognitive function. 


When you sleep your body heals itself and recharges, meaning you can wake up refreshed, re-energised and ready to face the day. Try to get into a good sleep routine, go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning to give yourself the best chance of success. 



**Related Post: How To Sleep Faster And Better**



Day 4: Plan Healthy Meals


Nourish both body and mind with thoughtfully planned, nutritious meals. A Balanced Diet is a key contributor to overall mental well-being so get ahead of the game and eat well! 


By planning your meals ahead of time, you take away the daily pressure of thinking about what to eat and are therefore much less likely to reach for sugary snacks and unhealthy options because you already know what you’re going to eat next. 


Remember, this is about balance, it’s not about banning yourself from eating the good stuff (because let’s face it, that only makes us want it more) so make sure you factor in some treats as well as some green stuff. 


You can download my FREE 10-Page Daily Journal which comes with a 7-day meal planner and shopping list included! 



Day 5: Declutter Your Space


Create mental clarity by tidying up your surroundings. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “A clean house equals a clean mind” and while it may sound cliche, it really is true. 


There is nothing more stressful than looking around at dirty dishes on the side, overflowing bins, messy floors and cluttered surfaces. It can feel overwhelming for your brain and add to feelings of anxiety and depression. 


Set yourself up for success and have a clear out, throw away old clothes or paperwork, sort your cupboards or fold your laundry pile, and do all those things you’ve been putting off today. 


Try to make it a daily habit by spending some time each evening tidying your space. Make it a rule to do the dishes and wipe the sides each evening or tidy away your desk each day so it’s nice and fresh for a new day tomorrow. 


Bring tranquillity into your environment and it will filter through to your mind as well!



30 day mental wellness challenge



Day 6: Listen To A Podcast


Stimulate your mind with uplifting content. Get cosy, make your favourite drink and choose a podcast aligned with your interests for a dose of mental nourishment.


There are literally millions of podcasts out there to suit all interests and ages so the world is your oyster here. 


If you’re looking for a mental health podcast, I personally love We Can Do Hard Things and Unf*ck Your Brain but you could listen to any podcast that makes you feel positive and uplifted.



Day 7: Be Grateful


Cultivate gratitude by reflecting on the positives in your life. Redirect your focus from what you lack to a place of abundance and optimism. 


Spend time writing a list of all the things you are grateful for in life, it could be people you love or experiences you’ve had or it could be super simple things like having food to eat and a bed to sleep in, just write everything you can think of down and see how much good there is in your life. 


I always find it really helpful to refer back to my gratitude lists when I’m having a difficult day to remind myself of these amazing things I have to be grateful for. 


Also, do you remember that FREE 10-Page Daily Journal we talked about earlier? It also has a gratitude journal included so you can keep track of everything in one place! 



Day 8: Enjoy Some Self-Care


Prioritise self-care with activities that bring calm to your soul — a bubble bath, a nature walk, or a quiet moment with a cup of tea, it can be anything that brings you joy and relaxation so take time for yourself and recharge those batteries because you deserve it! 



**Related Post: 35 At-Home Self-Care Ideas**



Day 9: See A Friend


Connecting with others can do wonders for your mental well-being. Spend time with a friend, ideally in person but if that feels like too much for you then even a phone call will do. Just get out of your own head for a while and catch up with those you love. 



Day 10: Do A Good Deed


Boost your mood and spread positivity by performing an act of kindness for someone else. Helping others can give us a sense of purpose, achievement and belonging as well as help build and maintain social connections, it even releases endorphins to give you a real boost of happiness. 


So help out an elderly neighbour, volunteer with the homeless, offer to babysit for someone or send flowers to a loved one, whatever it is, you’re sure to make someone’s day and lift yourself up in the process. 



30 day mental wellness challenge



Day 11: Indulge In A Hobby


Engage in activities that bring joy and fulfilment. Hobbies provide a welcome escape and contribute to a balanced life. 


Take some time out to do something you love today, go for a walk, play your favourite sport or simply find a quiet corner and read your book. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish, it’s a necessary part of your wellness!  



**Related Post: 10 Hobbies for Better Mental Health**



Day 12: Watch Your Favourite Movie


Unwind and relax with a beloved movie. Allow yourself the simple pleasure of entertainment, make some snacks, enjoy your favourite drink and snuggle up in front of the box for some much-needed R&R. 



Day 13: Learn To Say No


Practice setting boundaries by saying no when needed. Prioritise your mental well-being by respecting your limits and don’t give in to the pressure of what others expect of you. 


Make a plan for how you can manage situations that may arise so you feel better prepared when they come up. Be honest with yourself about the things you’ve said yes to recently that you wish you’d said no to and decide how you will handle this differently next time. 


By having this already planned in your mind, you will feel more confident when it happens rather than having to think on your feet and end up in the same old situations. 



Day 14: Write A Self-Love List


Acknowledge your worth by listing qualities you love about yourself. Celebrate your strengths and uniqueness, recognise your achievements and your talents and remind yourself how amazing you really are! 


If you struggle with this, try to think of it as a friend you’re writing to. Imagine that your friend has all the qualities and experiences you have, what do you admire about them? Why do they deserve love and kindness? 


Keep your letter and re-read it whenever you start to forget your worth!



Day 15: Get Some Exercise


Invigorate your body and mind with physical activity. Choose an exercise that you enjoy, whether it’s a brisk walk, a dance session or a full-on gym sesh, just get your heart pumping and your muscles working. 


If you find this difficult or your fitnesses levels aren’t up to a big workout, don’t worry, go at your own pace and only do what feels right for you, just 10 minutes of activity could be enough to boost your mood and get you pumped for the day so don’t give up, you’ve got this girl! 



30 day mental wellness challenge



Day 16: Read


Escape into the world of literature. Whether fiction or non-fiction, reading stimulates the mind and provides a welcome break from reality. 


If you’re anything like me, you could get lost in a book all day, but if reading isn’t really your thing, that’s ok too, pick a short story or read your favourite blog (I mean hello, even this counts), you could even put on an audiobook if that’s your preferred way to consume literature. Just take some time today to switch off and escape for a while. 



Day 17: Purge Your Digital Space


Declutter your digital world. Organise files, delete unnecessary apps and create a digital environment that promotes focus and calm.


Go through your social media and unfollow anyone that you no one connects with, leave groups that no longer align with your values and remove anything that doesn’t spark joy or curiosity anymore. 


In this new world where it’s easy to overindulge in our screen time, ensure that any time spent there lifts you up, social media can be a real drain when not used mindfully so take the day to make it a place of peace and happiness for yourself. 



Day 18: Practice Mindfulness


Ground yourself in the present moment. Mindfulness exercises, such as meditation or deep breathing, promote mental clarity and reduce symptoms of anxiety. 


You can turn almost any activity into a mindfulness exercise, from mindful eating and drinking, washing the dishes, going for a walk or even just breathing! You do not need lots of time or resources to make the most of this one. 


If you aren’t sure where to start then check out this post by BetterUp for 31 Simple Mindfulness Activities you can try anywhere. 



Day 19: Create An Uplifting Playlist


Music is good for the soul and has the power to evoke positive emotions and enhance your mood. Take some time today to create a playlist full of your favourite uplifting, invigorating and mood-boosting songs and listen to it whenever you need a pick me up. 



Day 20: Embrace Nature


Connect with the outdoors and embrace the beauty of mother nature. Spend time outside today, whether it’s a stroll in the park, a hike in the mountains, a trip to the beach or an afternoon in the garden, take some time to really appreciate your surroundings. 


Pay attention to the colours, the sounds, the smells and let go of all the overwhelming thoughts running through your mind and just be free for a while. 



embrace nature



Day 21: Spend 3 Hours Phone Free


Phones can be great, they help us connect with loved ones, learn new skills and (despite what my high school maths teacher told me) we have a calculator in our pockets at all times! However they can also be addictive, make us more insecure, decrease our social skills and add to feelings of anxiety and depression if used excessively. 


So today I challenge you to unplug from the digital world for a few hours. Enjoy the simplicity of being present without constant notifications and updates on the lives of people you’ve never met. 


This one might seem hard but trust me, it will be worth it! Try leaving your phone in another room to avoid temptation or go for a walk and leave it at home, you could even buy a Lock Box if you really want to commit. 


Try to make it a habit to spend some time phone-free every day. 



Day 22: Watch The Sunrise / Sunset


Marvel at the beauty of nature. Take a moment to witness the breathtaking colours of the sunrise or sunset (or both) and allow yourself to relax and refresh. 


Take it up a notch and take a trip somewhere scenic to make this even more magical



Day 23: No Complaints Day


Challenge yourself to refrain from complaining for an entire day. Redirect your energy towards solutions and gratitude.


Every time you want to complain, take a breath and think about how you can flip it to a positive or a chance for learning and see how much of an impact this mindset shift can make on your mood. 


We all get frustrated at times and while complaining is completely natural, too much of it will bring you down over time so by practicing this way of thinking you will be more likely to see the positives in situations when they arise and live a happier and healthier life. 



Day 24: Meditate


Calm your mind with meditation. Find a quiet space, focus on your breath, and allow thoughts to come and go without judgment.


Meditation can be difficult to master if you’re new to it but like anything, start small and build your way up. 


There are some great Guided Meditation videos out there to help you get started in as little as 10 minutes!


Remember to be patient with yourself if you can’t get right into it, keep practising and you will discover the huge benefits this can have. 



Day 25: Do A 10-Minute Yoga Session


Combine movement and mindfulness with a short yoga session. Stretch and breathe to promote both physical and mental well-being.


There are so many incredible Benefits Of Yoga, from strength building and improved cardiovascular health to reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression there is a reason to get started for everyone!


Check out these 10-Minute Yoga Workouts that even beginners will be able to follow and see how uplifted and pumped a simple yoga session can make you feel. 






Day 26: Relax Under The Stars


Nothing puts life into perspective quite like the vastness of the universe, there is something therapeutic about stargazing and it’s a great way to find tranquility and calm in everyday life. 


Find a quiet spot (preferably away from too much light pollution), get cosy under a blanket, lay back, and gaze at the stars. Allow your thoughts to really focus on the stars, try challenging yourself to find constellations (Star Tracker Lite is a great app to help with this) and let your brain switch off from all those unhelpful and racing thoughts for a while. 



Day 27: Get Your Dancing Shoes On


Let loose and dance to your favourite tunes. Physical activity coupled with music is a surefire way to lift your spirits and get you smiling. 


So put on your favourite tunes and dance around the lounge, stick on a dance workout video or go all out and enrol in a dance class to get your blood pumping and your soul singing. 



Day 28: Set Goals


As we come to the end of this 30-day mental wellness challenge, now is a great time to reflect on your aspirations moving forward. Set realistic and meaningful goals for yourself, focusing on personal growth and fulfilment.


Take some time to really think about what you want out of life, be it personal goals, career goals or relationship goals, don’t be afraid to dream BIG and make a plan of how you can make it happen. 


A great way to do this is to work backwards, so think about your life in 10 years, what does it look like? Where do you live, who do you live with, what do you do with your time? Where do you work? 


Now think about 5 years, where do you want to be? How far towards that dream life are you? How did you get there? 


Then think about 1 year, what can you do in the next year that puts you closer to your dream, what do you want to change in the next year and how are you going to do it? 


Once you have all this break it down even further, go to 6 months, then 1 month and then this week and make simple, achievable steps you can take that align with you goals and that dream life you want. Make conscious choices to do something every day that moves you closer to your goals. 


Remember, anything is possible with the right mindset! So keep reminding yourself of your goals and why you want to achieve them whenever you start to stray from the path. 



Day 29: Journal


You’ve almost made it to the end of this challenge so now it’s time to put pen to paper and reflect on your journey. Journaling provides a therapeutic outlet for your thoughts and emotions so spend some time thinking about what you’ve learnt on this journey. 


Here are some great questions to ask yourself:

  • What days did you enjoy the most? 
  • What did you learn about yourself? 
  • What do you want to take with you and implement into your everyday life? 
  • What did you find challenging and why?
  • How did you overcome any challenges you met? 
  • Is there anything you wish you’d done differently?
  • How do you feel now compared to day 1? 



**Related Post: Journaling For Better Mental Health**



Day 30: Treat Yourself


Congratulations!! You made it girl!! 


Now it’s time to celebrate the completion of this 30-day mental wellness challenge with a special treat


Acknowledge your commitment to self-care and revel in your accomplishments, be proud of yourself (because I’m super proud of you), you stuck at it and invested in yourself so go get yourself something nice as a well done and savour the moment. 



celebrate completing your wellness challenge



Final Thoughts 


Mental wellness is an ongoing journey. Beyond this challenge, continue to prioritise self-care, positive habits, and meaningful connections. Recognise that it’s okay to seek support when needed, and be kind to yourself throughout the process.


Remember, consistency is the backbone of lasting change. By embracing these daily practices, you’re not just checking off a list; you’re cultivating habits that contribute to sustained mental well-being. 


Taking small, consistent steps over time, will lead to a profound positive shift in your mindset and overall happiness so keep going and never stop investing in yourself. 



Read Next


60+ Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery and Healing 


8 Confidence Building Activities for Women 


10 Healthy Habits To Start Today 





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