Sharing's Caring!

Welcome to the journey of cultivating a healthier and happier you! In this fast-paced world, our habits play a pivotal role in shaping our mental and physical well-being. They are the building blocks of a fulfilling life, and understanding the difference between healthy and unhealthy habits is crucial. In this blog post, we’ll explore the impact of habits on mental health and delve into 10 essential and achievable healthy habits for women to start living your best life! 


Why Habits Matter


Our habits define us, and they can either contribute to our well-being or lead us down a path of stress and dissatisfaction. Developing healthy habits is not about perfection but about progress. It’s the small, consistent actions that accumulate over time and create a positive impact on your life. 


What Makes a Habit Healthy


A healthy habit is one that enhances your overall well-being, promotes balance, and sustains your mental and physical health. Healthy habits are sustainable, and realistic, and contribute positively to your daily life.



10 Healthy Habits for Women



The 10 Healthy Habits For Women


1. Fuel Your Body Right with a Balanced Diet


Nourishing your body with the right fuel is essential for overall well-being. A balanced diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, provides the necessary nutrients to support your physical and mental health. 


Remember, it’s not about strict diets but creating a sustainable and enjoyable approach to food. 


Your health really does start from the inside, when your body has what it needs it will perform at its best for you. There are so many Benefits of Eating a Balanced Diet, from heart health to brain health, it could even help you live longer! 


2. Stay Hydrated


Water is your body’s best friend. It is essential to your well-being. 


Staying hydrated supports digestion boosts energy levels, and enhances skin health. 


According to The British Nutrition Foundation, females over the age of 14 should be aiming for around 2 litres of water per day, which may sound a lot but it is achievable and if you hit your target, you really will notice a positive impact on your well-being. 


Make it a habit to carry a Reusable Water Bottle and sip throughout the day. As soon as you wake up, have a glass of water and before bed have a glass of water. Your body will thank you for it.



10 healthy habits for women



3. Skincare Matters


Your skin is your largest organ and caring for it goes beyond beauty; it’s about Self-Care and overall health. 


Establishing a good skincare routine can boost confidence and contribute to a positive self-image as well as support your well-being as you age. 


As someone who has suffered with my skin over the years, I cannot stress how important this one is. I have severe eczema which I have now, luckily, got under control, but I speak from experience that looking after your skin matters. 


Make sure to find products that work for your skin type and your age, there are so many great products out there but not everything will be right for you, so do some research, try different things and see what works for you.  


Create a simple routine that is achievable for you and stick to it. 



4. Get Enough Exercise


Exercise is not just about fitting into a certain size; it’s about feeling good in your own skin and maintaining your health


Find activities you enjoy, whether it’s walking, dancing, or your favourite sport, if you enjoy it, you will stick to it. 


Regular exercise not only supports physical health but also plays a significant role in reducing stress and improving mood.


If you struggle with time, try a simple At Home Workout in as little as 10 minutes. 


If you want more information on how much exercise is recommended for you, check out this article from The World Health Organisation



healthy habits for women



5. Stop Caring What Others Think


The opinions of others do not define your worth. Embrace your uniqueness and stop seeking validation from external sources. 


Letting go of the need for approval allows you to live authentically and confidently.


This one isn’t always easy, it’s one that I still struggle with to this day, but remember, it’s about progress, not perfection! You are only human, things will get to you at times but it’s important to recognise this and work through your feelings. 


Spend time working on your confidence, when you are more confident in yourself, it gets easier to let the opinions of others go. 


Write lists of all the amazing things about you, the good things you do for others and what makes you who you are, refer back to your lists when other people get you down and remind yourself of your worth! 



**Related Post8 Confidence Building Activities For Women**



6. Treat Your Mental Health As Important As Your Physical Health


Your mental well-being is just as crucial as your physical health, if your mental health dips, your physical health is likely to suffer too. 


Incorporate activities that promote mental wellness, such as mindfulness, meditation, and Journalling


Prioritise self-care to manage stress and cultivate a positive mindset. 


Pay attention to how you feel and your emotions, open up when you’re feeling low and seek medical advice just as you would with a physical health issue. 



healthy habits


7. Learn To Accept Yourself


True happiness begins with self-acceptance. Embrace your flaws and celebrate your strengths. 


Cultivate a positive self-image by focusing on the things you love about yourself rather than fixating on perceived imperfections.


Being different is what makes us human, we are made to be unique, if we weren’t, we would be clones and where’s the fun in that? 


Never be afraid to be your true, authentic self, channel your inner Luna Lovegood and be unapologetically you! Those that love you will embrace you, those that don’t, do not matter. 



**Related Post – How To Accept Your Past Without Regret**



8. Get Organised


An organised environment promotes mental clarity. Develop organisational habits that suit your lifestyle, whether it’s decluttering your physical space or organising your schedule, it can make a huge difference to your mindset. 


A well-organised life reduces stress and increases productivity. Try spending some time each evening planning out the next day, have a to-do list or use a digital calendar to map out your days. 



10 healthy habits



9. Communicate Effectively


Confident communication is a powerful skill. Practice expressing your thoughts and needs assertively. 


Effective communication builds healthier relationships and empowers you to navigate life with confidence.


If you find being assertive with your needs difficult, Anxiety Canada has some great tips on developing better communication skills and asserting your needs confidently.  


Remember, your opinions and your needs matter! Do not shy away from them to please others, this will only have a detrimental effect on your well-being over time. 



10. Seek Help When Necessary


It’s a sign of strength, not weakness, to ask for help when needed. Whether it’s seeking professional support for mental health or leaning on friends and family during challenging times, reaching out is a crucial habit for overall well-being.


If you are struggling and feel like you have no one to reach out to, please check out my Resources page for links to services that can help. 





Incorporating these healthy habits into your daily life may not happen overnight, and that’s perfectly okay. Progress is a journey and every small step counts. 


Remember, the goal is not perfection but a commitment to your well-being. Embrace these habits with an open heart, and watch as they contribute to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled you.



Read Next: 


35 At-Home Self-Care Ideas 


60+ Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery and Healing 


Hobbies for Mental Health 





Sharing's Caring!