
Here you will find links to all my favourite resources to help you on your road to recovery. 

I will update this page regularly with any new resources or tools I feel would be useful to you. If you have any resources which aren’t covered here and you feel they would be beneficial to the community, please contact me and I will add them here.

Mental Health Helplines and Charities

NHS – Urgent Mental Health Helpline

Mind – the mental health charity 

Samaritans – 24-hour helpline available 

SANEline – help in a mental health crisis or for those supporting someone through a mental health crisis 

National Suicide Prevention – helpline and resources available 

The Mix – support for under 25’s struggling with their mental health – email and text service available 

Shout – a fully text based service if you aren’t up to talking 

Switchboard – dedicated to supporting the LGBTQ+ community 


Treatment and Therapy Services

Counselling Directory – UK-based service to help you find the right counselling service for you

7 Cups – free and confidential online support with trained therapists and support staff 

Counselling On Sea – affordable counselling with no wait lists 

Free Therapy Worksheets – full of tools and downloads to help you to work through your mental health struggles 

Mental Health Apps

MoodKit – this app costs around 4.99 and is designed to help improve your mood and give you tools to improve your mental wellbeing

HeadSpace – meditation and sleep app

StayAlive – suicide prevention app

Bright Sky – app for those suffering from or worried about someone involved in domestic abuse 

Calm – focussing on mindfulness, sleep and anxiety 

Happify – stress relief and mood mangement