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Do you lie awake for hours every night, a million thoughts a minute racing through your mind? Obsessing over every what-if, overanalysing every situation and worrying about everything that’s to come? Well, friend, I’m right there with you! Sleep and I have always had a difficult relationship. I understand the frustration, the desperation and the sheer exhaustion; and I’m here to help! Try these 5 easy (and fun) ways to fall asleep faster and improve your sleep quality using only the power of your mind!!


The National Library of Medicine published, “Globally, insufficient sleep is prevalent across various age groups, considered to be a public health epidemic that is often unrecognised, under-reported, and that has rather high economic costs”. They also go on to warn that insufficient sleep can derail our entire body system, increasing our chances of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes as well as affecting our mental and social abilities.


When you don’t get enough rest, focusing, remembering things, or making good decisions can feel impossible. In fact, studies have shown that it can be just as detrimental to your brain as alcohol intoxication! So if you’re feeling foggy, forgetful, or just generally less sharp than usual, it might be time to prioritise some quality shut-eye.


Sleeping is literally how our bodies repair themselves, so let’s get cracking with how we make it easier.


Related Reads:




how to sleep faster and better



Learn to Use Your Mind to Induce Sleep Fast



The idea behind the ideas I am about to share is that rather than trying to turn off your brain and silence all those thoughts (because let’s face it, that just isn’t going to happen) you actually use your mind as your asset and allow yourself to fall asleep in a natural and relaxing way to ensure you also have good quality sleep.


In order to do this you need to accept that you are going to be ‘thinking‘ until you fall asleep. (I mean, when is your mind not (over)thinking, right?). So, the solution is to ensure that you are NOT thinking about anything that promotes an emotional response (good or bad) when you fall asleep. You need to bring your mind into a natural and relaxed state so that your body can begin its cycle of repair while also channelling that inner voice away from those anxious thoughts.


Here are 5 ways you can do this.




The Alphabet Game


  • Close your eyes and allow yourself to focus on your breathing
  • Choose a subject (boys’/girls names, countries, animals, anything you like)
  • Go from A-Z naming something in your category starting with that letter


So, if you chose ‘fruit’ as your category for example it may look something like this… apple, banana, cherries, dragonfruit and so on.


  • Now, there will be some that are harder than others and some won’t all have a full A-Z, allow yourself a minute to think and try to find an answer but if you can’t, move on, and don’t spend too long trying to pressure yourself to think of one, this will just defeat the purpose and stress your brain out!
  • If you get to the end, choose another category and continue until you fall asleep
  • When you feel your mind wandering, and the intrusive thoughts creeping in, pull your mind back to the task at hand and refocus your thoughts.




The Name Game


  • Close your eyes and allow yourself to become aware of your breath
  • Think of a name, any name, of a well-known person (it could be fictional or non-fictional, an actor, writer, TV presenter, singer, cartoon character, comedian, you name it.)
  • Now think of another name that begins with the first letter of the previous last name


For example, if you think of Whitney Houston, your next name could be Harrison Ford then Fred Astaire, Albus Dumbledore, Darth Vader, Vin Diesel and so on.


  • Again, don’t pressure yourself for too long if you find you can’t think of something, give yourself a minute and then choose another name and continue.
  • You are allowing your brain to focus on one thing, something that doesn’t increase stress and worry in your brain.
  • When you find your thoughts coming away from this, recenter yourself and pull yourself back to the list, really focus and allow it to take over your mind as you drift away



how to sleep faster and better



The Countdown


This one is super simple, start at 1000 and slowly count backwards, I have yet to do this one and get to 0, it always works for me.


At first, you may find this difficult, I know I did, my mind would wander off and then I’d forget where I was, but that’s ok, don’t get caught up on that, just start from where you remember, the more you practice the easier it will become.


As you count, take slow, deep breaths, in and out with each number. Really allow your mind to relax and block out all other thoughts. This will allow you to enter a state of relaxation and remove emotion and stress, which is what we’re aiming for after all.


Diaphragmatic Breathing

a.k.a Belly Breathing


  • Lie down, close your eyes and get comfortable
  • Place one hand on your stomach and one hand on your chest (If you lie on your side you can still do this exercise without the hands, I just find it helps me focus)
  • Take a slow, deep breath in, but as you do, become aware of your body, ensure that when you breathe it is your stomach rising and NOT your chest (this is your diaphragm engaging)
  • Then take a long, slow breath out. As you do ensure that your chest remains still and that it is your stomach you are drawing in.
  • Continue breathing, in and out, nice slow, deep and controlled breaths

*I find that counting helps me to focus on my breathing more, ensure you fill your lungs with each breath and slowly count each inhale and exhale*

  • Allow your mind to focus solely on your breathing, feel the sensation throughout your body, and feel your hand rise and fall with every breath.
  • If you wander off, bring your mind back to your breath and feel the relaxation in your body.





Visualisation is a powerful tool and can make a huge difference in the quality of your sleep. It can be difficult when you first try but with practice, this technique can really help you drift off more easily and sleep more soundly.


  • Close your eyes and get into a comfortable position
  •  Allow your mind to focus on a place, make it a place where you feel totally free and relaxed, I always imagine I’m on a beautiful tropical beach surrounded by crystal clear water and the sound of waves
  • Let the thoughts fill your mind
  • Focus on all the sensory details, what time of year is it, what can you see, hear and feel? Think about the colours around you, the textures, are there people are animals there?
  • Really bring the image into your mind, imagine you are really there, and let the sensations completely take over your mind


If you struggle with this, I know I do at times, try a guided visualisation video to help get you started.



Final Thoughts


Retraining your mind to sleep is not easy when you have an overactive brain, but it IS possible. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t drift off immediately or your mind keeps wandering off. Be kind to yourself, accept that this is natural and continue as soon as you notice.


You can do it! I believe in you!


I really hope you find this useful, let me know in the comments!






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