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Looking for self-care ideas you can try from the comfort of your own home? Well, you’re in luck because I’m about to share 35 simple, easy acts of self-care can you try with little to no resources and in as little as 10 to 15 minutes! 


Taking care of yourself shouldn’t be an afterthought, it should be a priority. It can be just one small act a day to show yourself you matter and give yourself a chance to recharge because let’s face it, in today’s fast-paced and demanding world, we all need that! 



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What Is Self-Care?


In its simplest form, self-care means doing things to make yourself feel better, like taking care of your body and emotions. It’s about taking time for yourself to stay healthy and happy.


Self-care can be any activity that brings you joy and it is different for everybody. There is no one size fits all so try different things and see what feels right for you. If it brings a smile to your face and a sense of calm to your soul then that’s all that matters. 


Remember, self-care is not selfish or self-indulgent. It’s about finding time for yourself and recharging your batteries so that you can continue to give 100% to other areas of your life. 


There are different types of self-care:


  • Emotional – caring for your mind with positive self-talk, daily affirmations, mindfulness, gratitude, journaling or lunch with a friend 


  • Physical – caring for your body by eating a healthy diet or exercising, keeping up with medical appointments and getting enough sleep. 


  • Spiritual – caring for your soul by meditating, attending religious services, embracing nature, yoga and self-reflection. 



at home self care ideas



Why Is Self-Care Important?


Taking care of yourself is a vital part of your mental well-being, without it, you will undoubtedly hit burnout and have no energy left for anything else. 


Practising self-care regularly will help you to be the best version of yourself! It will mean you will be able to give 100% in other areas of your life. 


Self-care is a proven tool to aid in mental well-being, psychologist Marni Amsellem, PhD stated “When we are regularly taking care of ourselves, we are better able to react to the things that go on in our lives. It’s something we do to maintain positive well-being.”


I want you to view self-care in the same way you do drinking water, eating well and looking after your physical well-being, because that’s how much of a priority it should be, it’s a fundamental part of maintaining your overall health.


Self-care can also:

  • Help boost your self-esteem and confidence
  • Make you more aware of your own needs
  • Help you discover your passions
  • Boost your energy levels
  • Increase concentration
  • Aid sleep
  • Reduce anxiety



When Should I Practice Self-Care?


The short answer… anytime, anywhere, whenever you can.


The truth is, there are no set rules about how, when, or how long you should be practising self-care for, it’s all individual to you however regular practice is essential to see the full benefits. Try to carry out an act of self-care every day, as you will see below there are some super simple ways you can build self-care into your everyday life.


Try not to wait until you’re burnt out and exhausted to take care of yourself, if you do get to this point you’ll need a whole day, if not more, to recharge, by regularly implementing self-care you can help avoid getting there in the first place.


Remember – you can’t pour from an empty cup, so take time to refill it daily or you’ll have nothing left to give.



at home self care ideas



Here Are 35 Self-Care Ideas You Can Try At Home


1. Take A Cosy Bath


The first thing most people think of when you say self-care is a nice warm candlelit bubble bath full of essential oils and petals. Now, it doesn’t have to be that fancy but make it as cosy as you like it, read a book, light a scented candle, or use your favourite bath salts, just as long as the door is shut and you have time to take a deep breath and relax then that’s more than enough.


2. Read A Chapter Or Two


This is my favourite self-care activity! There is nothing quite like getting lost in a good book and forgetting your cares for a while. It can be fiction or non-fiction, whatever you want. Just grab a blanket, make a drink and get cosy.


3. Meditate 


Meditation is a great way to clear your mind and relax your body. If you’ve never done it before, be patient with yourself, it can take some time, start slow and build your way up. If you are struggling try some guided meditation videos to get you started.


4. Journal 


This one can be so powerful for checking in with yourself, working through your emotions and setting goals to work towards. Whether it’s in a notebook or an app, get it all out. Giving yourself just 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening to make a note of your day, your feelings and your intentions will have a huge benefit on your mental health.


Check out this post for more on Journaling For Mental Health 





5. Do A Face Mask 


Show your skin some love and give yourself an at-home facial. The Body Shop do some incredible face masks and they have something for every budget and every skin type. If you prefer making your own, check out these 9 DIY mask ideas.


6.  Paint Your Nails 


Dig out the manicure kit and show your nails some love, not only will this one make you feel good at the time but you’ll also feel good every time you see your new nails. Take a look at these easy nail art ideas for inspiration.


7. Yoga 


If you want to tick every box of your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, then yoga is the one for you! This is another one that takes time and practice so be patient with yourself and take it slow. If you’re a complete beginner try working on your flexibility and doing stretches or check out these beginner’s yoga routines to guide you.


8. Exercise 


Exercise is great for taking care of yourself, it can be light or intensive, whatever your fitness level there is an exercise out there for you that can be done right there in your own home. Just 10 minutes of exercise a day can have huge benefits on your mental and physical health. Use a workout app, watch a YouTube video, put on a workout DVD or just dance around the living room to your favourite music for 10 minutes, just get that blood flowing and release that tension.


9. Make A Vision Board 


Nothing gets you feeling refreshed and motivated like creating a vision board. Visualising your dreams and goals will greatly increase your chances of achieving them and help you focus all your energy and attention on what matters… your future, and your happiness. Get old magazines or print pictures online, you can even create vision boards on your phone or tablet. Get creative and get manifesting, inspiration awaits you.


10. Watch Something Funny


When you’re stressed, put on something that makes you laugh because it’s true what they say, laughter really is the best medicine,  Whether it’s a TV show, movie, or the latest show by your favourite comedian, it’s sure to release those endorphins and lift your mood.


11. Listen To A Podcast 


This is something I only recently discovered the magic of and it’s changed my whole mindset. There are so many amazing podcasts out there on millions of different topics so have a look around, and try different ones to see what you like. You can listen at home or on the go, I personally listen to a podcast on my drive to work every day to help put me in a motivated and positive headspace. Here are some of my favourites:


12. Listen To Music


Music can be so powerful, I can honestly say that there have been times when music saved my life, so put on your favourite CD or playlist and let it fill your soul with energy and positivity. Lie down and close your eyes or dance like nobody’s watching, as long as it brings you joy, you’re on to a winner!


13. Cook Your Favourite Meal 


Food has a way of soothing the soul, we all have them dishes that bring back memories or comfort us in times of sadness, so get out them recipe books or find something new to try and cook up a storm in the kitchen. Not only will you be taking time for yourself, but you’ll also have a delicious meal to enjoy either by yourself or with family and friends, whichever you prefer. If you need some inspiration Pinch Of Nom is my favourite go-to for tasty recipes.



at home self care ideas



14. Do Your Hair Or Makeup 


Just because you’re not going out doesn’t mean you can’t make yourself look and feel good. In fact, it’s a great time to try something new and experiment with new styles. I LOVE experimenting with make-up, YouTube is an absolute treasure chest for Hair and Makeup tutorials, so find something you like and give it a go.


15. Clean


You’ve heard the phrase “tidy home, tidy mind”, and it’s true (at least for most people). Being in a cluttered or messy environment can make you feel more stressed and affect your focus and motivation. So have a quick 10-minute tidy, wash the dishes or clean the whole house, as long as it brings you joy and inner calm afterwards then you can count it as self-care.


16. Puzzles / Puzzle Games 


Another great at-home self-care idea is puzzles! Whether it’s traditional puzzles, sudoku, word searches or a simple dot-to-dot, it’s a great way to engage your brain and switch off for a moment. Taking 5 minutes a day to engage your mind in something like this can increase mental focus and concentration.


17. Colouring 


Adult colouring books are one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century. There are so many fun options to choose from and it really is super calming and relaxing for your brain to get lost in, and you’ll be amazed at the beautiful pictures you can create!


18. Make A Scrapbook 


Scrapbooking is a great way to look back on old memories and remind yourself of all the good there is in life! Make a book dedicated to all the best moments, holidays or achievements in your life and look back on it on days you’re feeling down or need a pick me up. It’s also great to share with your loved ones and reminisce together.


19. Bake A Cake 


Who doesn’t love cake? It’s fluffy, yummy and good for the soul so channel your inner Mary Berry and get your bake on! It doesn’t matter if it’s perfect, as long as you enjoy the process. Make a big celebration cake from scratch, little cupcakes or a pre-made mix, whatever takes your fancy. Then sit back and enjoy!


20. Do A Social Media Cleanse 


We’ve all been sucked down a hole of aimlessly scrolling for hours and hours, but social media can be a huge drain on your energy and make your mental health worse when used excessively. If you notice your feed is full of things you’re no longer into or people you haven’t spoken to in years then it’s time for a social media cleanse. Unfollow pages you’re no longer interested in, leave groups that don’t align with your life anymore and remove friends you no longer want to connect with. This will ensure that the time you spend on social media is more productive and full of things that actually bring something to your life.


21. Play A Game 


It could be a board game, a card game, a video game or a game on your phone, whatever you like to play, get lost in it for a while. You can play alone or with somebody else, that’s up to you, self-care can be social too! Just have fun with it and forget your worries for a while.


22. Spend Time In The Garden 


If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, take advantage of it and get outside for a while. Fresh air and nature have huge benefits on mental well-being so set up a cosy spot in the garden, get some much-needed vitamin D and embrace the beauty of the outdoors. You could even try your hand at gardening, grow your favourite flowers or herbs and make a little sanctuary for yourself.


23. Have A Lie Down 


If your body’s aching and you just need a lie-down, don’t be afraid to do it, we are constantly told how productive and active we need to be, and it’s helpful, but not all the time, it’s okay to take some time out and do nothing. While you lie down try practising some breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation to fully relax your mind and body and ensure you feel re-energised.


24. Enjoy Your Favourite Drink 


Sometimes all you need is to sit in a quiet place and enjoy your favourite drink, it’s a nice hot chocolate full of marshmallows for me but the choice is yours. Taking just 10 minutes out of your day to sit and just enjoy something you like is sometimes all it takes to brighten your day.


25. Call Someone


Social interaction is essential to maintaining well-being, I know that can be hard when you’re in a bad place but try just a phone call instead. Call up a friend or a relative and have a catch-up, you can talk about how you’re feeling if you’re comfortable too but if not just chat about life or what you’ve been up to recently. It may seem scary, but trust me, it will be good for you.


26. Write A Love Letter To Yourself 


This one may sound a little silly but it can be immensely powerful, so grab a notepad (or a digital version) and write a letter to yourself, write about all the things you love about yourself, all your achievements and things you are proud of and celebrate you. Think about the things you’ve overcome, the lessons you’ve learnt and give yourself the love and praise that you deserve. Whenever you’re feeling down, re-read the letter to remember how amazing you are.


27. Watch Your Favourite Movie 


Grab a blanket, curl up on the sofa with some snacks and put on your favourite movie. This one never fails to lift my spirits, for me, when I’m sad, I throw on a Harry Potter movie and voila, I’m transported to a magical world where all my worries don’t matter and I just feel happy, so immerse yourself in the magic of your favourite film, whatever it may be, and refuel your soul.


28. Plan Your Week 


Nothing helps your brain relax quite like getting organised and planning your time, it takes away all that pressure and anxiety of trying to decide what to do and when to do it in the spare of the moment and keeps you focussed on what you want to achieve and how you’re going to do it. You can do it on your phone calendar, a physical diary or an online one, I personally use the rainbow planner bundle from Happy Downloads on my iPad and I am obsessed with it, it’s so pretty and easy to use and I find it really helps me.


29. Cuddle Your Pet 


If you are fortunate enough to have a furry friend then make the most of it, stroking and cuddling your beloved pet can increase oxytocin in your body and your pet so you’ll both feel better for it. Getting a dog improved my mental health so much, he just knows when I’m not okay, one good snuggle with him and I feel like a new person!



cuddle your pet



30. Get Creative


Paint, draw, knit, sew, make candles, cards or jewellery, take up origami or pottery, try calligraphy… the list could go on and on for this one, getting creative is good for your mind and your soul. It requires concentration and therefore calms your brain as you can drown out the anxious and intrusive thoughts. Plus, you’ll have some wonderful projects to look back on and be proud of! Be patient with yourself if you are new to this, like all things, it takes time and patience to learn so watch tutorials, read books and enjoy the journey.


31. Treat Yourself To Something Nice 


If you’ve had something on your list or in your online basket for a while, (and you can afford it) treat yourself, because you deserve it! Reward yourself for all your hard work and achievements recently.

If you’re a bit addicted to shopping or like me, a little impulsive with money, then tread carefully with this one, and ensure you have the money to comfortably afford whatever you buy (you don’t need guilt and worry creeping in as a result).


32 . Write A Gratitude List 


The power of gratitude is indescribable, take a moment to pause and think about all the good in your life and appreciate the little things. Take 5 minutes at the end of every day to write 3 (or more) things you are grateful for today, it could be as simple as having food to eat or clean water to drink, it could be the people in your life or the work you do or the beauty of the sunset that day, it doesn’t have to be big achievements, the small moments are just as important.


33. Set Goals 


Setting goals and writing them down will greatly increase your chances of achieving them, it allows you to visualise what they look and feel like and make a plan of action for how you are going to make it happen. Try not to overwhelm yourself, and stick to 3-4 goals to begin with, they can be personal goals, professional goals, emotional goals or even relationship goals… dream BIG, because I know you can achieve anything you set your mind to!


34. Sing 


Help lift your mood by belting your heart out to your favourite song or to the radio, don’t be afraid, even if you can’t sing, give it a try, nobody can hear you (and even if they can, who cares!), sing your little heart out and feel your mood improve.


35. Learn A New Skill 


Finally, try learning a new skill, this can help you have a sense of fulfilment and achievement as well as enjoyment. Try learning a new language or a musical instrument, teach yourself to do DIY or develop your computer skills, or take up photography or photo editing… the world is your oyster here. It’s NEVER too late to keep learning new things!



Final Thoughts


In conclusion, self-care is an essential part of maintaining our overall well-being. It is important to prioritize taking care of ourselves by engaging in activities that bring us joy and relaxation. Whether it’s taking a warm bath, meditating, journaling, or doing a face mask, the key is to find what works best for you and make it a part of your daily routine.


Remember, self-care is not selfish, it’s necessary in order to be the best version of ourselves and give 100% to other areas of our lives. So go ahead and take some time for yourself today, you deserve it!






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